

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “acá”.

It’s an adverb meaning “here”, or “over here”.

Confusingly, it’s very similar to another Spanish word, “aquí”, which also translates as “here”.

These words are often used interchangeably, but not always.

Acá vs. aquí

“Aquí” is traditionally used more when referring to precise location, whereas “acá” denotes more of a general area.

“Aquí” is likely to be used when pointing to a specific point on a map, or when referring to the exact location of the speaker. “Acá” often means something more like “around here” rather than “exactly in this spot”.

However, the usage of these words depends a lot on the particular dialect of the speaker. “Acá” is used more in Latin America, while “aquí” is used more in Spain. In some countries and regions, you will almost always hear one word rather than the other.

Ven acá por favor.

Come here please.

Desde acá se puede ver toda la ciudad.

From here you can see the whole city.

Acá hace mucho calor.

It’s very hot here.
