

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “luego”.

It’s an adverb meaning “later”, “then” or “afterwards”.

It can be used to refer to things that happen later or after something else, for example:

  • Hablamos luego. – We’ll talk later.
  • ¿Vas a venir luego? – Are you coming later?

It’s also used in the common expression “hasta luego”, which literally means “until later” and is used as a way of saying “goodbye” or “see you later”.

The word “luego” comes from Latin locus, meaning “place”, which evolved to refer to a point in time.

Some related English words include “locus”, “location” and “local”.

Primero limpia tu cuarto, luego puedes salir a jugar.

First, clean your room, then you can go out to play.

Luego de la película, fuimos a cenar a un restaurante.

After the movie, we went to dinner at a restaurant.

Luego de haber viajado por años, decidió establecerse.

After having traveled for years, he decided to settle down.
