Today’s Spanish word of the day is “cuerpo”.
It’s a masculine noun meaning “body”.
Like the English word “body”, it can be used to refer to things other than the human body, including masses or large sections of things, such as the body of a car. The word can also be used to things like military units and other organized groups of people.
The word “cuerpo” comes from Latin corpus, which also meant “body”. The word “corpus” exists in English, and is most commonly used to refer to a large collection (or “body”) of texts. Some related English words include “corpse”, “corps” and “corporeal”.
Example sentences
Pintaron el cuerpo del coche de un color diferente.
They painted the body of the car a different color.
Mi cuerpo es un templo… pero parece que lo han dejado en ruinas.
My body is a temple… but it looks like it’s been left in ruins.
El cuerpo de baile se prepara para el espectáculo de esta noche.
The dance troupe is preparing for tonight’s performance.
Un escalofrío recorrió su cuerpo cuando escuchó el ruido en la habitación oscura.
A shiver ran through her body when she heard the noise in the dark room.
Cuido mi cuerpo practicando yoga todos los días.
I take care of my body by practicing yoga every day.