Today’s Spanish word of the day is “comer”.
It’s a verb meaning “to eat”.
In Spain and Mexico, it can also be translated as “to have lunch”, since the related word “comida” (“food”) also means “lunch” in those countries.
The word “comer” comes from Latin comedere, which also meant “to eat” or “to consume”.
“Comer” is a regular verb, so it’s conjugated according to the same pattern as other regular -er verbs.
Example sentences
Mañana comeremos en el nuevo restaurante italiano.
Tomorrow we’ll eat at the new Italian restaurant.
No quiero comer nada pesado antes de dormir.
I don’t want to eat anything heavy before going to sleep.
Ella va a comer en el restaurante con sus amigos.
She is going to eat at the restaurant with her friends.
No comas con la boca abierta.
Don’t eat with your mouth open.
Comer lentamente puede ayudar a la digestión.
Eating slowly can help digestion.