Today’s Spanish word of the day is “imposible”.
As you might have guessed, it’s an adjective meaning “impossible”.
Like English “impossible”, the word “imposible” comes from Latin impossibilis, which had the same meaning.
Some related Spanish words include the following:
- Posibilidad – Possibility.
- Posible – Possible.
- Posiblemente – Possibly.
Example sentences
Sin tu ayuda, esto sería imposible.
Without your help, this would be impossible.
Encontrar estacionamiento en esta zona es imposible.
Finding parking in this area is impossible.
Es imposible saber lo que va a pasar en el futuro.
It’s impossible to know what will happen in the future.
Es imposible que llegues tarde si sales a tiempo.
It’s impossible for you to be late if you leave on time.
No es imposible aprender un nuevo idioma si practicas todos los días.
It’s not impossible to learn a new language if you practice every day.