Today’s Spanish word of the day is “vino”.
It’s a masculine noun meaning “wine”.
The word “vino” comes from Latin vinum, which is also the root of several English words including “vine”, “vinegar” and “wine” itself.
Here’s how to refer to the main different types of wine:
- Vino tinto – Red wine
- Vino blanco – White wine
- Vino rosado – Rosé wine
Here’s a bit more wine-related vocabulary in Spanish for the wine connoisseurs among you:
- Botella de vino – Bottle of wine
- Bodega – Winery or wine cellar
- Maridaje – Wine pairing
- Cata de vinos – Wine tasting
- Añada – Vintage (year of production)
- Brindis – Toast (as in raising a glass)
Example sentences
¿Cuánto vino queda en la botella? Parece que ya casi se acabó.
How much wine is left in the bottle? It looks like it’s almost gone.
Me gusta tomar vino tinto con la cena.
I like to drink red wine with dinner.
Este vino es de la región de La Rioja.
This wine is from the La Rioja region.
¿Has probado el vino blanco de esta bodega?
Have you tried the white wine from this winery?
Este vino tiene un sabor afrutado y suave.
This wine has a fruity and smooth taste.