

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “serio”.

It’s an adjective meaning “serious”.

When applied to people, “serio” can also imply that someone is reliable or trustworthy, for example:

  • Es un hombre serio. – He is a reliable man.

The word “serio” comes from the Latin word serius, which meant “weighty” or “important”, though in Classical Latin it was only applied to things, not people. Latin serius is also the root of the English word “serious” and other related terms.

Here are a couple of idiomatic expressions involving the word “serio”:

  • Ir en serio – To get serious or to mean business.
  • Ponerse serio – To become serious or to adopt a serious demeanor.

¿Por qué estás tan serio hoy?

Why are you so serious today?

Su expresión facial siempre es tan seria, incluso cuando está bromeando.

His facial expression is always so serious, even when he’s joking.

Aunque parezca serio, no creo que sea tan grave como piensas.

Even though it seems serious, I don’t think it’s as bad as you think.
