

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “genial”.

It’s an adjective meaning “great”, “brilliant” or “awesome”.

It can also be used to refer to a person who is particularly talented or impressive, for example:

  • Es un tipo genial, siempre tiene buenas ideas. – He’s a great guy, he always has good ideas.

The word “genial” comes from the Latin genialis, which had several meanings including “pertaining to genius”.

La fiesta estuvo genial y todos se divirtieron mucho.

The party was great and everyone had a lot of fun.

Fue genial verte después de tanto tiempo.

It was great to see you after such a long time.

Lo genial de esta ciudad es que nunca te aburrirás, siempre hay algo que hacer.

The great thing about this city is that you will never get bored, there’s always something to do.
