Today’s Spanish word of the day is “trabajo”.
It’s a masculine noun meaning “work”, “job” or “labor”. It can also be used to refer to an individual assignment or task.
The word “trabajo” comes from the verb “trabajar”, meaning “to work”. The etymology of “trabajar” is contested, but the most common theory is that it comes from the Latin word tripalium, which was a torture device made from three stakes. It’s therefore thought that the word “trabajo” derived from an association between work and physical suffering, a bit like how the English word “labor” can refer both to economic work and to strenuous, exhausting tasks more generally.
Example sentences
Mi trabajo empieza a las ocho de la mañana.
My work starts at eight in the morning.
Espero que encuentres un trabajo que te apasione.
I hope you find a job that you’re passionate about.
Mi hermano cambió de trabajo en marzo.
My brother changed jobs in March.
En este trabajo, tendrás que aprender a manejar varias herramientas tecnológicas.
In this job, you’ll have to learn to use various technological tools.
Espero que tu trabajo sea reconocido por todos.
I hope your work is recognized by everyone.